Our products reflect our commitment to both basic and translational research—and to making life easier for researchers, clinicians, and patients.

GeneBrain ®
GeneBrain® is a data analytics solution that allows researchers and clinicians to gain at-a-glance insights into complex biological data. 3D visualizations make biological discoveries and insights more intuitive, and use cutting edge mathematics and our patented self-optimizing learning machines.

N of 1 Health Research
Digital Infuzion’s N of 1 disease management analytics and electronic patient-reported outcomes platform seeks to connect the dots within a disease community to accelerate understanding, research, and drug discovery to impact each patient’s outcome.
As our patents show, we are committed to being leaders in advancing the integration of biological and clinical data and the evolution of informatics methodology. We pioneer solutions to simplify the presentation of complex, interdependent data and make research results easier to understand and interpret.

Machine Learning Methods
Digital Infuzion has developed a patented method for highly automated training of learning machines to categorize and recognize patterns in data. By inventing machines that self-optimize, our method puts the full power of machine learning in the hands of those without specialized mathematical knowledge and brings an unprecedented level of speed to the end user.

Visualizing Big Data
Digital Infuzion has patented a unique and accurate method for visualizing big data. 3D visualization technology gives a user the ability to see natural groupings and patterns in their data permitting immediate insights, unlike old methods of traditional data mining and static reports.